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Documents changelogs

This is my attempt to track the history of the contents of the stuff published in http://mij.oltrelinux.com.
Some of them are unlikely to be significantly updated. The powerpc linux page applies to this list.

Legenda: "+" = added ; "-" : removed; "&" : updated.
Dates are in format day/month/year.


Entries are not sorted with respect to anything.
  1. Development section
    This page contains stuff useful for developers.
  2. iBook step-by-step debian/GNU Linux guide
    This documents covers a pseudo-complete setup of linux debian onto an Apple iBook2 machine. The first version appeared around september 2002 and went updated a lot of times before I began writing this changelog.

  3. Linux/PPC - iBook2 page
    It's mainly an index for the stuff I load about linux, ibook, ppc ports etc. Probably the most interesting thing for you is it contains some links to other good references too.
  4. November 2002 iBooks notes
    for customers of those machines. it's here

  5. Linux PowerPC FAQs
    Answers to the most frequently asked questions came to my mail account and on debian's ml, in form of FAQs

  6. Linux PPC kernel
    Linux PPC kernel page is one of the first pages I've written on this topic. I've been quite satisfacte of the result at the really end of writing, so I've never reviewed those words. After all, you know, kernel preparing is always the same boring job (under debian, more then elsewhere).

  7. Cleaning ibook keyboard
    A guide on how to clean an ibook keyboard. This is born as simple reference. Thanks to other readers and contributors, it strikes about 50 hits a day today.

  8. Linux distributions comparison
    A brief and schematic linux distributions comparison.

  9. Network
    about network and network services.

You can contact me by mail.